Aliexpress replica bags.

Aliexpress replica bags.

At you can find bags for all occasions: They have big and small bags, purses, clutches, sleeves, shoulder bags, backpacks, sports bags, belt bags, handbags, computer and iPad bags, shoppers, weekend bags, bags for mobile phone and … You name it …
I have actually only bought two bags so far from Aliexpress – a replica Mulberry shoulder bag and a rep Mont Blanc business briefcase. Both where quite expensive (150$ per piece) but the quality was also good. They were made from real leather but from which animal I will probably never know. I still have the Mulberry bag and I frequently use it. My Mont Blanc briefcase was stolen at a cafe in Copenhagen – the thieves must have thought it was expensive:-)

Here is a link to good offers on bags at

Quality of Aliexpress bags.

As all other products at Aliexpress, the quality varies a lot but it mostly
 depends on the price. All bags made from leather which cost less than 100$ are probably made from some kind of faux leather or some other plastic material. Always make the seller confirm that the bag is made from genuine leather if that is what you are looking for. Also choose a seller who sells mostly bags and has a good feedback score.

Finding the replica bags at Aliexpress.

It is actually quite easy to find the replica bags at
 Most of the bags can be found simply by seaching for the model name – If you want to find a Hermes Birkin Bag then search for Birk bag or Birking bag. I know it is not similar to the original name but when you type in “Birkin” at Aliexpress the site comes with suggestions. Look at the picture below if you are not sure what I mean.

Here we have separated some famous brand bags, enjoy!